EGING Photovoltaic Technology Co.,Ltd. officially expands their manufacturing with the selection of Quanjiao County, Chuzhou City, Anhui Province to be home of their second manufacturing site in China. The signing ceremony was successfully held on September 21, 2022 with EGING
PV President Mr. Tang Jun and Quanjiao County Mayor Mr. Tang Yu putting pen to paper.
With an estimated investment of 50 Billion Yuan, Phase one of the project begining October 2022 will house a 10GW High-Efficiency N-Type TOPCon Photovoltaic Cell Factory. Production is anticipated to start in June 2023, which will then also mark the beginning of Phase two and Phase three. The latter two phases will respectively provide a 10GW Photovoltaic Wafer Slicing Production Line and a 10GW High Efficiency N Type Photovoltaic Module Factory.